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Popular Home and Garden Decor Products and Their Alternate Usage

Popular Home and Garden Decor Products and Their Alternate Usage

Most of us tend to believe that the natural stone décor products that we buy for the aesthetics of our exclusive home and garden are limited to their traditional use only. But what is more interesting is the fact that there are certain popular home and garden décor products that come with alternative utility as well. 

Here, we will try to spotlight a few of such products along with their traditional and alternative uses respectively. These carry some of the interesting facts associated with their utility that deliver some of the most astonishing benefits associated with our health and surroundings. 

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Time to explore some of the seldom known home and garden décor tips related to the products offering extra benefits and utility through the table prepared below -

Stone Decor Product Traditional Usage Alternative Usage
Water Fountain One of the most popular indoor and outdoor décor products, it delivers the aesthetics associated with water. The cascading flow of water would have a rejuvenating impact on our senses. It can be used as a birdbath for outdoors. Besides, indoor water fountains help in improving the quality of air inside the home with negative ions. It restores the pH value of the moisture in the air as well as purify the air by attracting the dust and other pollutants present in the atmosphere. 
Stone Yoga Sculptures These Yoga sculptures are best to amplify the décor aesthetics in the gardens and backyards. Especially for those who never like to install God statues outdoors. They are perfect for placement in meditation centers and Yoga rooms as these sculptures perfectly demonstrate the Yoga postures. You can draw inspiration from them on a daily basis. For instance, if you prefer to practice Vajrasana mudra, Padmasana mudra, Dhanurasana mudra, Parvatasana mudra or Sukhasana mudra, order stone Yoga sculptures perfectly replicating the respective positions. 
Natural Stone Uruli The presence of natural stone urali at the entrance, corridor, pedestal or console brings the element of water for balance, harmony and prosperity in the home. The water in the uruli can prove to be a very effective insect repellent in the area wherever it is placed. Just add some camphor to your urli water and it will keep different types of insects at bay. To release fragrance from the urli water, you can even think about adding essential oil of your choice.
Stepping Stones Natural stepping stones come in different shapes and colors and are known to amplify the aesthetics and décor of the pathways in your garden and backyard. Speaking in medical terms, the naturally rough surface of the stepping stone are extremely beneficial to walk bare foot for the people of every age. But they are extremely advantageous for the young children and senior citizens to stimulate the nerves underneath the feet to improve the overall circulation of the blood as well as the motor movement of the nerves from the feet to the central nervous system to bring proper function and balance between the left and the right hemisphere of the brain. 

MUST READ: How Buying Water Fountain can be a Smart Choice for your Home? Part II

Reach Stonemart™️ India, an ISO 9001:2015, CE certified global brand and the leading stone manufacturer and exporter in India since 2006 to come across the natural stone décor products offering superior utility than mere piece of aesthetics. It is the time to make even better usage of your favorite décor products apart from the sublime aesthetics that they bring with them. Shop now!